Hong Xiang Rost Scholarship

About this Scholarship

The Hong Xiang Rost International Scholarship Fund was established to provide opportunities for international students to pursue their dreams of earning an education abroad. Francis (Rusty) Rost, friends, family and colleagues established this fund in loving memory of Hong Rost. The annual award is $1,000.

Become a Founder

Join Hong’s husband Rusty in becoming a founder of the Hong Xiang Rost International Scholarship. A founder is defined as any individual who commits to donating a minimum of $500 (spread over a five-year period). A minimum initial gift of $100 is suggested, although the full minimum donation is encouraged to simplify administration and better accomplish fund purposes.

This minimum donation intended to allow all those who desire to remember Hong to participate in the fund. Larger donations are encouraged from those who desire and are able to better help the fund meet its intended purposes of honoring Hong and helping international students attend UW-Stout. There is only one class of founder.

Learn more about the Hong Xiang Rost International Scholarship

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